Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Importance of Defaults

Oftentimes many of us select default values when completing on-line forms.  Many defaults provide the correct answer plus it's easier to accept them than change them.  Bank of America probably relied on this human tendency before they provided detailed data to the 'independent' foreclosure claims reviewers who would rule whether a homeowner in default was entitled to some cash because the bank had screwed up.  We saw earlier how the bank tried to gimmick the analysis in its favor.   We just didn't know how extensively they tried.

The reviewers had to look at and analyze files supplied by the bank and answer many, many questions to determine how they should rule.  Well, the bank wanted to make the reviewer's job easier, so they filled in all the default answers where possible.  What do you think most reviewers would do?  The bank says the reviewers made their own judgments.  Do you believe that?

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